What exactly is sudden death?

The word sudden death has appeared more and more frequently in recent years, so what exactly is sudden death?

The World Health Organization defines sudden death as an unpredictable death that occurs within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms. However, more scholars believe that it is more appropriate to define sudden death as death within 1 hour of the onset of the first symptoms. It is characterized by few auras before the onset, sudden onset, and extremely rapid course of the disease.

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You may think that sudden death is a rare disease with a very low incidence, but the fact is that in recent years, the incidence of sudden death has increased year by year. Take China, for example, more than a decade ago, the number of sudden deaths per year was about 54,5, and by 2018 this number had grown to about 100 million.

Sudden death is getting younger.

At the same time, the population with sudden death is getting younger. In the past, sudden death was concentrated in the 45-50 year olds, but now, more and more young people are at high risk of sudden death.

What's more frightening is that 65% of sudden deaths can kill people within 10 minutes of the onset of acute symptoms, which makes many people too late to get timely treatment from professional medical staff.

Cause of heart attack

According to the cause of sudden death, it can be divided into sudden cardiac death and non-sudden cardiac death. Among them, sudden cardiac death can account for 80% of all sudden deaths, and its occurrence is mostly related to the acute onset of heart disease.

In the case we mentioned earlier, the cause of the sudden death of Sun Qiaolu, the actor of "Bala La Little Devil Fairy", was a myocardial infarction.

How far away is sudden death?

Myocardial infarction sounds so far away that it's hard to imagine it happening to you. However, the risk factors for sudden cardiac death are not only myocardial infarction, and several other things may be familiar to everyone.

Studies have confirmed that underlying diseases such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, and atherosclerosis are closely related to the occurrence of sudden death.

In particular, a retrospective study of risk factors for sudden death found that 65.63 percent of patients with sudden death had a history of cardiovascular disease, and patients with cardiovascular-related diseases were 6.78 times more likely to have sudden death than those without cardiovascular-related diseases.

Obesity is a risk factor for sudden death

In addition to the influence of underlying diseases, smoking, drinking and other bad living habits are also risk factors for sudden cardiac death, and Sun Qiaolu is an avid alcohol lover in the sudden death incident that has just occurred.

Smoking and drinking are risk factors for sudden death

Another point to pay attention to is that although the last two sudden deaths have occurred in women, in fact, sudden death is more favored by men. Men have a higher risk of sudden death at any age than women, which may be related to higher testosterone levels in men.

In addition, the causes of sudden cardiac death also include overeating, psychological stress state, overwork, long-term staying up late, etc., which are much more familiar to office workers, so it seems that sudden death is not far away.

Attention to the routine physical examination

First of all, we must pay attention to the routine physical examination once a year to find potential health hazards in time. Especially if there are symptoms such as chest tightness and chest pain, it is necessary to be vigilant.

Second, we must maintain a good routine of life and rest. Avoiding overwork and staying up late is very important to maintain a healthy physical condition.

In addition, it is necessary to do a good job in the comprehensive control of high-risk factors. In fact, many cases of sudden death are caused by the superposition of a variety of risk factors, such as patients with cardiovascular disease if they stay up late for a long time, overwork, and smoke frequently, the risk of sudden death will be greatly increased. If risk factors are controlled early, the risk of sudden death can be reduced.

Work hard, but you don't have to. Regarding the sudden death of young people, do you also have a lot of feelings that you want to share with Tadpole Jun? Leave a message and let me know.