Heat stroke refers to the central nervous system and (or) cardiovascular dysfunction that occurs due to dysfunction of the thermoregulatory center or failure of sweat glands, as well as excessive loss of water and electrolytes, in an airtight environment with high temperature or humidity. Main manifestations of acute illness.

Basic cause

Increased body heat production

Engaging in strenuous activities for a long time under high temperature, high humidity, airtightness or strong heat radiation will increase the heat generation of the body.

It is common in people who do strenuous physical labor, sports or military training. Some disease states, such as fever, chills or convulsions, can also lead to increased heat production and increased body temperature.

Ambient temperature rises

When the ambient temperature rises, some susceptible groups, such as the elderly, infirm and sick (schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, chronic alcoholism), have thermoregulatory dysfunction and cannot regulate their own body temperature well. Increased heat.

Thermal barier

1.    Reduced sweating: sweat gland damage or lack, such as skin burn scars, sweat gland deficiency, etc.

2.    Decreased central nervous system or cardiovascular function, such as alcohol drinkers, the elderly, cardiac dysfunction, etc.

3.    Take medications that affect sweating, such as anticholinergics and antihistamines.

4.    Other factors: obesity and airtight clothing etc.