Scabies (scabies), commonly known as "sore sores" and "scaloid sores", is a contagious skin disease caused by scabies mites in the epidermis of the skin, and can spread in dormitories or families.

Scabies mites often parasitize on thin and tender parts of the skin, such as the crevices of fingers, wrists, underarms, under the breasts, inner thighs, and external genitalia. The clinical manifestations are characterized by papules, blisters and tunnels, and severe itching at night.

Basic cause

Scabies mites live in the epidermis of human skin. After fertilization, the females will penetrate into the stratum corneum of the skin, eat the horny tissue and dig a tortuous tunnel parallel to the body surface under the skin, laying eggs in it. After the eggs hatch, the larvae crawl out of the skin surface and hide in the mouth of the hair follicle, where they mature and spread to other parts of the body.

The scabies mite tunnels in the stratum corneum of the skin and can cause mechanical irritation to the skin. In addition, the excrement, secretions and disintegration of dead insect bodies of scabies mite can cause allergic reactions, and patients feel itchy skin.


The area distribution of scabies is very wide, and countries all over the world have. Its popularity is cyclical, taking 15 to 20 years as a cycle, that is, it becomes popular every 15 to 20 years. It is generally believed to be related to the decline of population immunity.

Sarcoptic mite infection is more common in families and schools with poor sanitation and other group accommodation groups, and the infection rate is high in autumn and winter.

Way for spreading

Scabies patients are the main source of infection, and are transmitted by contact, including direct contact and indirect contact.

Direct contact
Infected by direct contact with the patient's affected skin, such as sleeping on the same bed, shaking hands, sexual contact, etc

Indirect contact
Since scabies mites can still live for 2 to 3 days after leaving the human body, they can also be infected by touching clothes, bedding, bed sheets, pillow covers, towels, etc. contaminated by patients.